Environmental & climate change

East African societies are highly vulnerable to climate change due to their high dependence on natural resources, agricultural activities and their limited adaptive capacity. Consisting of developing countries, East Africa is experiencing industrialization among other activities to grow its economy which is happening at an unprecedented rate jeopardizing its environment and driving climate change. It is expected that temperatures will increase by 2 to 4 degrees and 30% increase in precipitation by the end of the century. This will have negative effects on the agricultural sector which is the major economic sector in the region leading to other issues like poverty. This year majority of the countries in the region have faced desert locust invasion which is an example of impacts of climate change in the region.  Generally policies, measures and adaptation strategies have been set up to improve the environmental situation however implementation is a challenge due to various factors.

Wibena Impact is committed to protecting the environment and ensuring sustainable use and management of our natural resources. In view of this, we shall conduct environmental management and protection activities in the region.

Areas of intervention are; advocacy and awareness creation, renewable energy/ clean energy adoption initiatives, recycling, agriculture, innovation,

Specific objectives for the activities/

  1. To create environmental/ climate change awareness to the population
  2. To encourage smart and sustainable innovations in the region towards environmental protection and sustainable development
  3. To encourage climate change adaptation and mitigation practices in the society
  4. To improve the current environmental conditions generally

Proposed activities in relation to the objectives;

  • Local contest to develop/ instil environmental innovation among the youths
    • Collaborating with NGOs in the agricultural sector to educate farmers about new innovations and techniques as a way of adopting to climate change e.g. draught resistant crops, sustainable farming practices (e.g Shamba Shape Up) to increase food security
    • Set up recycling centre e.g. tyre recycling to make products like shoes, stools/tables which can act as an income activity for the youth
    • Participate in environmental days e.g. World Rivers Day- conduct a clean-up on rivers, beach clean ups, tree planting
    • Organize  an environmental boot camp for students during holidays in collaboration with schools filled with conservation and awareness activities e.g visiting of  wildlife parks, recycling sites in the region
    • Encouraging clean energy practises to combat climate change e.g purchasing energy saving ‘jikos’ for women in marginalised communities, adoption of biogas towards reduction of emissions
    • Adopting solar power lighting to homes in rural areas and schools in the region
    • Adopting environmentally sound projects in all of the organizations undertakings. Support programs geared towards environmental protection in the region which are working with vulnerable groups in the society
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